Star of David More Widely Recognized Than Twitter Icon – Breaking News –



Nearly nine in ten Americans, or 87% of people surveyed, correctly identified the Star of David as a Jewish symbol, a new poll from the Pew Research Center for the People and Press showed. The Twitter birdie, on the other hand, was recognized by 79% respondents to the poll as the social media company’s corporate logo.These findings come from an updated version of the Pew Center’s regular News IQ Quiz, which seeks to identify the level of public knowledge about political, and popular issues using pictures, maps, graphics and symbols. This version of the study was conducted online January 18-24, 2013, among a random sample of 1,041 adults.

A previous version of the quiz was conducted in October 2011.The question about religious symbols asked respondents to choose between four symbols associated with various religions and identify the one associated with Judaism. Among the choices were the Crescent and Star of Islam, the Christian cross, and the Om traditionally associated with Hinduism.

Source: Star of David More Widely Recognized Than Twitter Icon – Breaking News –

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